Another Influenza outbreak in china: Doctors advice to stay safe

By- Srushti sharma

Amid the reported outbreak of H9N2 cases and clusters of respiratory illness in children in northern China, doctors advised people to be careful

follow routine practices of cleanness and if there's someone who has got this respiratory illness or infection they should try to maintain distance from other people.

The advice comes after an undetermined pneumonia outbreak in China is hitting children hard

WHO is definitely very much concerned about it. 

WHO  trying to get in touch with the authorities in China to extract as maximum details as possible.

Doctors infomed because of COVID and stringent lockdowns the immunity in the general population and children has been impacted, resulting in a rebound in cases.

Not a single patient infected with this disease has been found in India yet. There is no increase in cases in any part of India so far, or any part of the world apart from China.

People are advised not to panic and that a pandemic-like situation will not happen going by the limited information that exists about this new influenza.

Doctors said there is normally an increasing number of influenza cases before the winter every year and this does not suggest an abnormal increase in cases.