A timeline of the Israel-Palestine conflict in Gaza

By- Naiteek Bhatt

Since October 7, when Hamas, a Palestinian Islamist organization, launched its worst missile attack on Israel from Gaza, the confrontation between Israel and Palestine has gotten worse.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, declared war on Hamas in response to the horrific incident. Israel and Hamas have been at odds over the idea of a two-state nation.

Here is a timeline of notable clashes between Israel and Palestine over the years.

38 years after taking Gaza from Egypt during the 1967 Middle East War, Israel unilaterally withdrew its forces from the region. It turned its back on the settlements and handed the area over to the Palestinian Authority.


Following its victory in the Palestinian legislative election, Gaza was taken over by the Islamist group Hamas in Palestine. US and Israeli restrictions on aid to Palestine


Israel imposed a military blockade on the region limiting the mobility of goods and people in and out of the territory

In a civil war, Hamas grabbed control of Gaza and drove out Fatah forces stationed in the West Bank and loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.


Three million Palestinians and over half a million Jews lived in settlements in the West Bank that were deemed "illegal" by international law.

In reaction to rocket fire in Gaza that claimed the lives of over 1400 Palestinians and at least 13 Israelis, Israel began a 22-day military offensive.


Following the strike, all parties unilaterally proclaimed a cease-fire, and Israel left Gaza.


After Israel murdered Ahmad Jabari, the military chief of staff for Hamas, there was a fierce battle that lasted for more than a week and claimed the lives of over 150 Palestinians and at least six Israelis.


Following the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens by Hamas, there was a seven-week conflict that claimed the lives of 73 Israelis and over 2,100 Palestinians in Gaza.


Palestinians protested when the Trump administration in the US declared that Jerusalem was the capital of Israel and that the US Embassy would be moving from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.


At least 170 Palestinians were killed after Israeli soldiers opened fire on protestors at the Gaza-Israel border, sparking more hostilities between Hamas and Israeli forces.


Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque was invaded by Israeli forces. This sparked a conflict between Israel and Hamas that resulted in the deaths of over ten Israelis and over 200 Palestinians.


At least 146 Palestinians and at least 29 Israelis lost their lives in a wave of violence against Israelis in the West Bank.


During an Israeli military operation on a refugee camp, two civilians and seven Palestinian gunmen were slain. A Palestinian Islamist paramilitary group in Gaza launched two missiles in the direction of Israel.

Jan 2023

Hamas crossed the border with militants and launched a strong barrage of missiles in the Gaza Strip, marking the beginning of its worst onslaught on Israel.

Oct 2023