7 Most Polluted Countries In The World; Check Out Where Pakistan Ranks

By- Malika Sahni

1. Chad

The air quality in Chad has deteriorated because of uncontrolled garbage burning, surge in vehicles, and burning of wood and charcoal for energy.

2. Iraq

Owing to fires from oil and gas refineries, in addition to generators and cars, it is the world’s second most polluted country.

3. Pakistan

The cause of increasing air pollution in Pakistan is due to transport, loss of forests, smoke from agricultural burning, factories and garbage burning.

4. Bahrain

The reason why Bahrain is the fourth most polluted country in the world is due to its sandstorms, industrial fumes, cars and the manufacturing of fertilizer.

5. Bangladesh

Majority of its air pollution issues are due to fossil fuels and factories that produces bricks.

6. Burkina Faso

Forest burning for land conversion and cars are the major contributors to its air pollution.

7. Kuwait

It comes seventh due to its resilience on oil production and exportation.