7 Fun Facts About Falcons

By- Naiteek Bhatt

Falcons can reach speeds up to 242 miles per hour when diving for prey, making them the fastest known animal.

Remarkable Speed 

These birds form lifelong bonds with their partners for reproduction.

Lifelong Devotion

With Vision eight times Sharper than humans, they can spot small prey from distances of nearly two miles.

Exceptional Vision 

Falcons are not selective eaters, hunting a wide range of species, estimated to be several thousand.

Versatile Hunters

Migration distances for falcons can span up to 15,500 miles annually as they move between continents for mating or food.

Extensive Migration

Equipped with a sharp tooth at the end of their beaks, falcons can swiftly sever necks.

Precision Killers

Humans have employed falcons in hunting practices for millennia.

Historic Partnership