11 Facts about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict pertaining history

By- Srushti sharma

1. The conflict is not a religious one, but rather more about land

2. Despite recent conflicts, Palestine was once characterised by multiculturalism and tolerance

3. Issues and divisions began during the British Mandatory period

4. The 1948 Arab-Israeli War was a turning point in the conflict

 5. In 1987,  The First Intifada was the first organised Palestinian uprising  

6. As set out by the Oslo Accords of 1993, the Palestinian National Authority was granted governing control over parts of Gaza and the West Bank. 

7. Excluding East Jerusalem, over 400,000 Jewish settlers are living in West Bank settlements

8. Despite being the closest both parties had ever been to achieving peace, the Clinton negotiations fell down.

9. To divide the Israeli and Palestinian lands, the West Bank barrier was constructed in 2002. Israel has referred to the fence as a security mechanism that keeps weapons, terrorists, and people out of Israeli territory.

10. In 2019, Trump launched his "Peace to Prosperity" proposal, which called for a massive $50 billion investment in the Palestinian territories. 

11. Following days of fighting between Palestinians and Israeli police at a holy site in East Jerusalem, new tensions emerged in the spring of 2021.