4 Predictions For 2024  From The Astrologer  Who Predicted  Covid-19 And 9/11 Attack

By- Srishti Verma

French astrologer Michel de Nostradame aka Nostradamus published his book Les Propheties nearly 500 years ago. 

The infamous  books contain 942 forecasts that appear to predict the future.

Interpretations of his works claim that he anticipated the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, the 9/11 terror attacks, and the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

According to reports, more than  70 percent of his prophecies have come true so far. Here are some of Nostradamus' predictions for 2024:

Climate catastrophe “The dry earth will grow more parched,” he predicts in one quatrain, “and there will be great floods”. Elsewhere, he warns of “very great famine through pestiferous wave”.

Naval Confrontation with China A confrontation around China is something that many geopolitical experts and journalists have started to see in the changing dynamics. Nostradamus also predicted something similar, in one of his quatrains, he wrote about “combat and naval battle”.

Royal tumult Nostradamus refered to someone he calls the ‘King of the Isles’, who had a controversial divorce and who is “driven out by force”. Further, he also wrote that this King is replaced by “one who will have no mark of a king”. Experts suggest that he might be pointing to King Charles III. 

New young Pope Nostradamus said in one of his predictions that due to old age, the Pope will be replaced by a new younger Pope. Nostradamus immediately goes on to say that the new leader will ‘weaken his see’, and that he will be Pope for a long time.