Looking for a Job? These tips will come in handy

By- Srushti sharma

Prepare your resume for each job application highlighting relevant skills and experiences that match the specific job requirements.

Targeted Resume

Build and leverage professional networks through platforms like LinkedIn. Attend industry events or Job online groups to connect with professionals.


Learn about potential employers before applying. understand their values, culture and expectations.

Research Companies

Polish your online presence, including LinkedIn profiles and other platforms like X. Showcase your skills, accomplishments and professional interests there.

Online Presence

Identify and acquire skills in demand within your industry. Upskilling can enhance your marketability and make you stand out among job applicants.

Skill development

Research common interview questions, practice responses, prepare examples that highlight your accomplishments and problem-solving skills.

Interview Preparation

A recruiter or a potential employer will check your LinkedIn profile when your resume shows up. Don't wait until the last minute — update your profile now!

Update your LinkedIn profile