from 400Km up in space see this special view of the earth

By- Naiteek Bhatt

Amazing view seen from space

NASA often keeps giving information about amazing events happening in  space. And sometimes it also shows special views of space.

NASA has now shared a spectacular picture of Aurora, which has been captured from the international space Station 400km above the earth.

NASA has told that this aurora shone in the sky in Utah, America, due to which a spectacular halo was seen there.

Aurora is a beautiful natural light that appears in the sky. It is usually seen near the North and South Poles at night.

Scientists have long believed that auroras are formed when solar winds interact wth the Earth's magnetic field.This phenomenon also happens on other planets.

In the picture, the Earth can be seen amidst haze and clouds just below the aurora. Some part of the International space station is also visible in the picture.

A team of astronauts is always deployed on the ISS and completes science-related experiments and other tasks.

Many times such amazing scenes of light are seen in the Earth's atmosphere, and sometimes meteorites also look like shooting stars while falling.