These Zodiac Signs Make the Best buddies

BY - rivanshi rakhrai

Aries Ruled by Mars, the planet of action, energy, and sex, Aries is the cardinal fire sign — dynamic, energetic, impulsive, curious, direct, and at times innocent

Aries makes the best connection with Gemini and Sagittarius

Taurus Ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, love, and money, Taurus is the fixed earth sign known for being hard-headed, down-to-earth, tenacious, reliable, loyal, and sensual

Taurus makes the best connection with Cancer and Virgo

Gemini Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, transportation, and technology, Gemini is the mutable air sign known for being quick-witted, outgoing, inquisitive, agile, charming, and adaptable

Gemini makes the best connection with Aries and Leo

Cancer Ruled by the shimmery moon, which oversees our emotions, security, and intuition, Cancer, the cardinal water sign, is nurturing, sensitive, compassionate, self-protective, security-seeking and offering, loving, and has a goofy, endearing sense of humor

Cancer makes the best connection with Taurus and Pisces 

Leo  Ruled by the radiant sun, which oversees self-image, confidence, and core identity, Leo, the fixed fire sign, is comfortable being the center of attention, drama-adoring, ambitious, loyal, fiercely protective of their nearest and dearest, generous, luxury-loving, sunny, and big-hearted

Leo makes the best connection with Gemini and Libra 

Virgo Ruled by Mercury, the communication planet, Virgo, the mutable earth sign, is detail-oriented, perfectionistic, health-conscious, sensitive, giving, analytical, and masters of research

Virgo makes the best connection with Taurus and Capricorn

Libra Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money, Libra, the cardinal air sign, is the ultimate host of any party, art-loving, adept at making big picture game plans, ambitious, and romantic

Libra makes the best connection with Aquarius and Leo

Scorpio  Co-ruled by go-getter Mars and transformative Pluto, Scorpio, the fixed water sign, is extremely private, driven, committed to their belief systems, in tune with the darker side of life, and fiercely magnetic

Scorpio makes the best connection with Capricorn and Pisces 

Sagittarius Ruled by go-big or go-home Jupiter, Sagittarius, the mutable fire sign, is unfiltered, jovial, harbors an insatiable wanderlust that ideally results in globetrotting adventures and lifelong learning, and is constantly knowledge-seeking and philosophizing

Sagittarius makes the best connection with  Aries and Aquarius

Capricorn Ruled by taskmaster Saturn, Capricorn, the cardinal earth sign, is relentlessly driven to hit their career goals, pragmatic, driven, tradition-loving, and truly salt of the earth

Capricorn makes the best connection with Virgo and Scorpio

Aquarius Ruled by electrifying Uranus, Aquarius, the fixed air sign, is incredibly cerebral, motivated to create dynamic change, thinking in a futuristic, inventive way, striking out on their own and rebelling against convention at every turn, and even coming off as a bit quirky 

Aquarius makes the best connection with Libra and Sagittarius

Pisces Ruled by dreamy Neptune, Pisces, the mutable water sign, is compassionate, romantic, artistic, intensely empathic, and sensitive

Pisces makes the best connection with Scorpio and Cancer