These Eerie Laws Around the globe will shock you for sure

BY - Srishti verma

It's Illegal to Run Out of Gas on the German Autobhan

It's Illegal to Feed Pigeons in Venice, Italy

It's Illegal to Wear High Heels to the Acropolis

There Is ban on Winnie the Pooh T-Shirt in Poland

Do not dare take Selfies With Buddha in Sri Lanka

it is not allowed to Wear a Mask in Public in Denmark

Never Fly a Kite in Victoria, Australia and Buenos Aires, Argentina

control your toungue when in uae. it is illegal to swear there 

It's Illegal to Dance in the Dark After Midnight in Japan

You Cannot even Die Without a Pre-Purchased Burial Plot in Part of France

your favorite beach activity - building sand castle is illegal in spain

It's Illegal to Reincarnate Without Permission in China

you cannot drive a dirty car in russia

Don't Hang Your Dirty Laundry in Public in Trinidad and Tobago

you cannot be overweight in japan