Nipah virus's symptoms in  detail:

BY - srushti sharma

Fever and Headache:  Nipah virus infection often  starts with a high fever. Headaches are a common  early symptom

Muscle pain: Muscle aches  and pain may occur,  similar to flu-like  symptoms

Fatigue: Profound  weakness and fatigue  can be present

Nausea: Many individuals experience nausea,  sometimes accompanied  by vomiting

Dizziness: Some people  may feel dizzy  or lightheaded

Mental confusion: As  the disease progresses, confusion and  disorientation may  develop

Seizures: In severe cases, individuals may experience seizures due to neurological complications

Respiratory symptoms: Respiratory distress,  including difficulty  breathing, can occur  in severe cases

Coma: In the most severe cases, individuals can slip into a coma