Chandrayaan 3’s Vikram Lander  Soft Lands Once Again!  But Why? 

BY - srishti verma

ISRO announced that Vikram Lander, part of Chandrayaan-3 mission, has exceeded mission objectives

It has successfully conducted hop experiment on the lunar surface

Lander fired its engines on command, elevated itself by approximately 40 cm

It then landed safely at a distance of 30 to 40 cm away

This significant achievement is a major boost for future sample return missions

The success of the hop experiment demonstrates the lander's ability to move and navigate the lunar terrain

Vikram Lander carries four payloads designed to study various aspects of the lunar environment

These include..... RAMBHA, which measures near-surface plasma density

ChaSTE, which gauges the thermal properties of lunar soil

ILSA, which monitors seismic activity around the landing site

and LRA, which helps understand the dynamics of the lunar system