Ayodhya Ram Mandir: Batman to Iron Man, Superheroes 'Visit' Ram Mandir in Ayodhya 

By- Kavya Bhatt

One of the most important occasions of the year will be the Ram temple celebration in Ayodhya.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be present at the event on January 22.

But AI is making a stir over the occasion. Using it, a content creator has shared pictures of a number of Marvel and DC Comics superheroes connecting with Ayodhya residents and providing their services to the temple.

Iron Man and Bat Man are seen sweeping the floor of temple

Spider Man and Hulk are seen helping a saint 

Deadpool and Joker are wiping the floor of temple

Superman is seen carrying a bunch of flowers

Yoda's are seen enjoying the heat in Winters

Captain Jack Sparrow and the Wonder Woman are seen lighting diyas

Loki and Thor are seen doing Kirtan

Thanos is seen making prasad

Dr Strange is seen serving some food 

Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron from the movie  Harry Potter movie are seen taking selfie