BY -Priyanka Rai

Area 51: What is the secret of Area 51, where America is doing research on aliens

Area 51 is situated in the American state of Nevada, about 120 kilometres (km) north of Las Vegas.

It has been shrouded in mystery for  long time.

However, it is associated with the landing of alien spacecraft.

It is allegedly an alien space base, according to some People.

Others assert that the US discovered an alien body here that has been investigated for decades.

The secrecy of this region, according to Annie Jacobson's book, is a result of its involvement in highly-classified nuclear testing  and weapon development.

She discussed the idea that a flying disc may have crashed in New Mexico in the book.

This flying disc was taken to weight. patterson Air Force base.

This location was given the name of Area 51 when the debris was later transported here in 1951.

Child-sized pilots  were allegedly used  in these aerial  experiments,  according to one  source who worked  on the project for  18 months, according  to Jacobson.