10 Points: Amit Shah On No-Trust Motion

BY - Priyanka Rai

1. We believe in creating a system where no one has to take loans. claims that “we made farmers self-sufficient.”

2. In the past nine years, the Modi administration has made more than 50 significant decisions.

 3. the people and Parliament have full confidence in the Narendra Modi-led government.

4. 50 judgments that changed the game were made over nine years.

5. that he was prepared to respond about the problem of ongoing ethnic violence in Manipur because it was his duty to do so.

6. I agree with opposition that the violence is on the peak in Manipur, the incident is shameful but what’s more shameful is dragging politics in between.

7. “We will talk to the youth of Kashmir valley, not Hurriyat, Jamiat and Pakistan”

  8. “no-confidence motion” introduced by the opposition, What we have given to farmers are not giveaways, but we have helped to make them self sufficient.

9. Narendra Modi has eliminated corruption, dynasty politics, and appeasement while emphasizing performance-based politics.

10. programs and defense advancements implemented by the current administration while defending the BJP-led National Development Alliance against the no-confidence motion.