things to know if your birth number is

BY - rivanshi rakhrai

People associated with Number 6 are very creative

This number is governed by Planet Venus, which symbolizes love, sympathy and adoration

Number 6 defines perfection and completion because the world was also created in six days

Number 6 has a soft spot for stray dogs and other animals, as they are very kind-hearted and sympathetic

They are quite romantic, sensual, and visionary in their way of thinking, which sets them apart

Number 6 people can try their hands on various fronts like fashion, music, theater, NGOs, work as makeup artists or get into modeling

 Lucky colors for number 6 people are white, pink, and yellow

Number 6 people can wear Diamonds

People with this number tend to be docile, a bit mendacious, and depressive which creates a negative impact on them and on others