The magnificent view of super blue moon rising over a castle

By-srushti sharma

The sole Blue Moon of 2023 rose above Portugal, providing a serene view for one astrophotographer who was perched in a regal location.

Photographer Miguel Claro captured this image of the orange-hued Blue Moon rising over Monsaraz castle in the Dark Sky Alqueva reserve in Portugal on August 30, 2023.

The image is a single frame from a magnificent time-lapse film that Claro shot during the amazing moon event.

A Blue Moon is not genuinely blue, despite its name. The second full moon of a month or the third of four full moons in a season is referred to by that name.  

Supermoons, on the other hand, happen when there is a full moon that roughly corresponds with the moon reaching its perigee, or the point in its orbit where it is closest to Earth.

The blue moon was witnessed  by many skywatchers around the world. 

The Super Blue Moon on August 30 marked a once-in-a-decade opportunity for both events to coincide.

According to NASA, the next time it will happen is in 2037.