Teenager With Longest Hair Is This Boy Know His Story

BY - srishti verma 

Sidakdeep Singh Chahal has never had haircut in his life

15-year-old Sikh boy from  Uttar Pradesh has set the  world record for  longest hair on male teenager

Due to their religious beliefs, Chahal’s parents never cut his hair, and he too follows it now

“I practise Sikhism and we are forbidden from cutting our hair,”  he said

One of the core tenets of Sikhism is to never cut one’s hair, as it is gift from God

Chahal usually ties his hair in a bun and covers it with a dastar (turban), as is the custom among Sikhs

He said washing his hair alone takes around 20 minutes, and needs another half an hour to dry

Brushing it takes 10 to 15 minutes, the teenager said, his mother helps him in all the tasks

His hair has been long since childhood and when he was  around three or four years old

It reached his shoulders and resembled that of Johhny Depp,  the teenager recounted