What are kilonovas? 

By- Srushti Sharma

The neutron stars, the ultradense cores of huge  stars that have reached  the end of their lives, are ejected from the collisions  in enormous quantities

The heaviest elements of the periodic table are created in the turbulent sea of particles that surrounds a neutron star merger in this stuff, which is rich in neutral particles known as neutrons.

These include precious metals like gold and platinum, radioactive substances like uranium, and the iodine found in human blood.

In reality, a kilonova-triggering event is responsible for the creation of countless items of jewellery.

Half of the elements in the periodic table heavier than iron, including a number of really intriguing elements, are derived from the ejected stuff that creates the kilonova.

We can determine the location of the elements' origin and how they were created by observing kilonovas.

Kilonovas can provide us with detailed information on the final unresolved aspect of that puzzle: the origin of the heaviest constituents of our universe.

Additionally, they might be able to shed light on the interactions of fundamental particles like neutrinos in dense environments as well as the behaviour of matter at extremely high densities.

What nuclear and particle physics are necessary for that alchemy to take place is the largest mystery surrounding how the components are created during the merger process.