By- Srushti sharma
Einstein's theory of relativity sheds light on why astronauts experience time dilation, causing them to age slower relative to people on Earth during space missions.
As astronauts travel at high speeds in space, time dilates, leading to a slower ageing process.
The absence of Earth's strong gravitational field in space also plays a crucial role. In this environment, time moves slightly faster, contributing to the phenomenon of slower ageing among astronauts.
Furthermore, the weaker gravitational force in space compared to Earth's surface contributes to the deceleration of the ageing process.
Gravity's impact on time passage means that weaker gravity results in slower ageing.
Another factor at play is the reduced stress experienced by astronauts in the microgravity environment of space.
Stress can accelerate ageing, so the diminished stress levels in space contribute significantly to the slower ageing process.
Moreover, space missions are meticulously planned and executed, ensuring that astronauts are subjected to highly controlled environments regarding diet, exercise, and medical care.
These factors collectively contribute to slowing down the ageing process among astronauts during their time in space.