Sneek Peek

 Look At This Picture Of Dumpling Moon

By- Srishti Verma

NASA posted photo on Instagram, of a celestial entity that has an eerie similarity to dumplings

American space agency polled online users to determine what they believed the image to depict

The object captured by  Cassini spacecraft is the innermost  moon of Saturn called Pan

“Ravioli, pierogi, empanada... What do you see? No wrong answers,” NASA wrote as they posted the photo that shows Pan from two different angles

“Pan, the innermost of Saturn’s known moons, orbits the planet from inside a gap in one of Saturn's rings. It completes an orbit every 13.8 hours at an altitude of 83,000 miles (134,000 km),” they wrote on Instagram

“The ridge around Pan's equator is similar to Saturn’s moon Atlas, and gives the moon its distinctive dumpling shape,” they added

NASA added that the moon was first discovered by  MR Showalter in 1990 using the images taken by Voyager 2 spacecraft.

These recent images of Pan were captured by  Cassini spacecraft  while passing within 15,300 miles (24,600 km) of the moon

The space agency concluded the post with a description of the image