Seen in Universe 'Devil's Eye'!

By- Naiteek Bhatt

'EVIL EYE' of the Universe!

Space agency NASA has shared a surprising picture of a galaxy.

It is also called the Evil Eye galaxy.

This 'Devil's eye' present in the constellation Coma Berenice's is part of the 'Messier 64' galaxy. It looks like a huge eye.

According to NASA, this place is 1 crore 70 lakh light years away from the Earth. The photo was captured from the Hubble space telescope in 2008.

NASA says that 'Messier 64' is a dark band absorbing dust in front of the nucleus of the galaxy. That is why it is called black eye.

It was first observed by a French Astronomer in the 18th century.

NASA has shared this photo taken from the Hubble Space Telescope on Instagram, Which has been viewed more than 5 Lakh times.

The Hubble space telescope has been exploring our universe for the last 30 years.