Optical Illusion To Make Saturn's Spectacular Rings 'Disappear' in 2025

By- Srishti Verma

Saturn's iconic rings  are a prominent feature of our solar system.

Recent studies suggest that these rings will eventually disappear, but this will take millions of years.

In 2025, an optical illusion will make the rings vanish from public view.

Saturn is tilted about 9 degrees in relation to Earth.

By 2024, this tilt will decrease to about 3.7 degrees.

A year later, Saturn's axis will become vertical, making the rings appear as a thin horizontal strip.

This phenomenon will make the rings too thin to see until 2032.

NASA suggests that Saturn's rings are formed from pieces of comets and asteroids.

These rings consist of billions of small ice and rock chunks coated with dust and other materials.

Saturn's ring system extends up to 282,000 kilometers from the planet, with a vertical height of about 30 feet in the seven main rings.