New Kind Of Wasp  Discovered By  Scientist in Amazon It’s Interesting!

By- Srishti Verma

Scientists have discovered a new kind of scary wasp in the Amazon

The parasitic species with an alien appearance was discovered by a Utah State University research team when they were studying Peru's Allpahuayo-Mishana National Reserve.

The Capitojoppa amazonica wasp is well known for latching onto its prey, sucking its blood, and then devouring it from the inside. It has a huge almond-shaped head.

It accomplishes this by depositing eggs in a variety of prey, such as spiders, beetles, and caterpillars. The practice was referred to as a "solitary endoparasitoid" by the study's primary author,  scientist Brandon Claridge.

"Once the host is located and mounted, the female will frantically stroke it with her antennae," Claridge told media in an email. 

"If acceptable, the female will deposit a single egg inside the host by piercing it with her ovipositor (a tube-like, egg-laying organ)."

He went on to explain that in some instances, "females will even stab the host with the ovipositor and feed without laying an egg as it helps with gaining nutrients for egg maturation."

This isn't the first horrifying discovery, with researchers recently finding a new species of tarantula in Thailand that is characterised with illuminous blue legs.

The spider is one of the rarest in the world, with Dr Narin Chomphuphuang explaining how it lurks in hollow trees.