Mark Your Calendar: Spectacular 'Ring of Fire' Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2023 – Here's What You Need to Know

By- Priyanka Rai

A partial "ring of fire" solar eclipse will be visible on October 14, 2023, in the Americas

This eclipse occurs when the Moon partially covers the Sun, creating a ring effect

It will be visible in the United States, Mexico, and many countries in South and Central America

An annular eclipse happens when the Moon is farthest from Earth and cannot completely block the Sun

Total solar eclipses occur when the Moon appears as large as the Sun.

Total solar eclipses occur when the Moon appears as large as the Sun

The eclipse's path will stretch from Oregon to the Texas Gulf Coast, then over Mexico and South America

It won't be visible in India, but NASA will broadcast it on YouTube

Protective eclipse glasses with ISO reference number 12312-2 are essential for safe viewing

Don't look at the Sun through cameras or optical devices, as it can damage your eyes

A pinhole projector is a safe way to view the eclipse