Lonar Lake: A mystery yet to be solved by scientists around the world

By- Srushti sharma

This location has compasses going kaput, with readings being erratic, a fact that scientists are still unable to figure out the reason for.

It is also known as Lonar Crater, as it sits above a field of basalt composed of 65 million-year-old volcanic rock; it was long believed to have volcanic origins.

The existence of maskelynite, a glass that can only form through high-velocity collision, suggests that it originated from an encounter with a substance from outer space.

Lonar is the best-preserved impact crater formed in basalt rock and is the only one-of-its-kind on Earth.

Lonar Lake, one of Maharashtra’s best-kept secrets, was formed approximately 52,000 years ago as a consequence of a meteor striking the earth’s surface.

The meteor was believed to be flying at a speed of 90,000 kmph and weighed 2 million tonnes.

 lake blissfully disregards science and claims that Lonar Lake was created when Lord Vishnu descended to earth to vanquish an evil demon

The devil named Lonasura forcefully pushed him back to the netherworld, forming a hole in the earth as a result.

It is also said that the Mughal emperor Akbar used to drink the water of this lake by putting it in soup.

 In regard to compasses not working near the lake. For a considerable amount of time, NASA scientists have been attempting to determine the cause of this