6 Upcoming Astronomical Events in March 2024

By- Srushti sharma

March is going to be full of astronomical surprises, starting with a rare glimpse of Juno 3, previously mistaken as a planet. Juno will be positioned opposite to the Sun from Earth making it easier to observe its reflective glow.

March 3: Asteroid 3 Juno at Opposition

Despite its proximity to the Earth, our lunar neighbour will briefly disappear into the night sky on March 10. In India, This event will occur around 8: 31 am, witnessing it will be a little uncertain.

March 10: Super New Moon

On this day, the sun tracks along the equator, offering nearly equal daylight and darkness worldwide.

March 20: March Equinox

Space enthusiasts await the 71-year return of comet 12p/Pons-Brooks also known as Devil Comet. The icy visitor larger than Mount Everest is known for its dramatic outbursts.

March 22: Devil's Comet

This event will cause a subtle dimming of the moon's brightness, during these two days the moon will pass through Earth's faint outer shadow.

March 24-25: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

This Moon is also called Worm Moon because it marks the time Earth worms emerged in the Northern Hemisphere.

March 25: Worm Micromoon