Rubina Dilaik- Abhinav Shukla announces  pregnancy with adorable photos

BY - srushti sharma

Abhinav Shukla married  his longtime girlfriend  Rubina Dilaik on June 21,  2018, in Shimla

 They are currently on  vacation in the US

They shared pictures as  they posed on a cruise  surrounded by the blue  water and mountains

We promised we will together explore the world since we  started dating, got married and now will do as a family   welcoming the little traveller soon!"

Simple Kaul wrote, "Awww  happy happy birthday.  What a lovely news this  is. Love to both of you

"They finally announced it  officially. Congratulations  my love birds my babies  Rubinav going to be parents  soon." a fan said

Rubina and Abhinav are  expecting their first baby.  She is over four  months pregnant

it is expected she  will deliver early next year. They are  very happy and excited  to embrace motherhood

They want to keep the  pregnancy away from the spotlight, and enjoy this  new phase of their life in privacy