Tips  for Overcoming Post-Holi Hangover

By- Malika Sahni

Opt for Coconut Water Replenish lost nutrients by consuming electrolyte-rich fluids like coconut water.

Prioritize Hydration Combat dehydration and eliminate toxins by drinking ample water, especially if you've consumed bhang.

Soothing Warm Baths Ease muscle tension, headaches, and body aches commonly associated with a bhang hangover with a relaxing warm water bath.

Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol Steer clear of caffeine and alcohol, which can exacerbate hangover symptoms and contribute to dehydration and cognitive impairment.

Rest and Recovery Allow your body sufficient time to recuperate by getting ample rest, as adequate sleep aids in mitigating the effects of bhang.

Balanced Nutrition Replenish lost nutrients with a well-rounded, nutritious meal comprising fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.

Herbal Tea Sipping Opt for herbal teas like jasmine or rose to alleviate headaches and benefit from their antioxidant properties, which counteract the effects of bhang.

Refreshing Lemon Water Combat free radicals in your body and facilitate recovery from a bhang hangover by drinking lemon water rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Light Exercise Boost circulation, uplift your mood, and enhance overall well-being through gentle activities like stretching or short walks.

Opt for Light Meals Choose easily digestible foods such as soups, salads, or smoothies to avoid burdening your digestive system while recovering from a bhang hangover.