DO NOT Eat These With Papaya!  No Matter What

By- Srishti Verma

Papaya is naturally rich in vitamin C and contains an active enzyme known as Papain, which helps in boosting digestion, improves bowel movement and ensures better nutrient absorption.

Presence of latex in Papain can trigger severe allergic reactions in people dealing with latex allergies.

Combining papaya with some common foods can lead to discomfort, diarrhea and may even affect the fetus in pregnant ladies.

Pregnant women are advised to avoid eating green, unripe papaya as it contains higher concentrations of latex and may stimulate contractions and impact the fetus.

Papaya with certain medicines may also have adverse effects, especially blood thinners or antiplatelet drugs

Avoid pairing papaya with high-protein foods like meat, as it might lead to indigestion for some individuals. 

Combination of yogurt and papaya may result in curdling and digestive discomfort. 

Papaya with high-fat foods  might lead to indigestion for some people