10 Simple  Chia Seeds Recipes For Your Happy Health

By- Srishti Verma

Classic Chia Pudding Combine chia seeds with your preferred milk, some honey or maple syrup for sweetness, and a small amount of vanilla essence. Keep it overnight in the refrigerator, and you may have a creamy, nutrient-rich pudding. 

Chia Seed Smoothie Add a tablespoon of chia seeds to your morning smoothie to increase its nutritional value. They add additional amounts of protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. Blend with yogurt, your favorite fruits, and a few handfuls of spinach

Chia Seed Oatmeal Add chia seeds to your morning oatmeal to make it better. They take up liquid and thicken and fill your oatmeal. For a tasty and nourishing breakfast, include a pinch of cinnamon and a handful of berries

Chia Seed Energy Bars Chia seeds can be combined with nuts, dried fruit, and a sticky sweetener, such as honey or dates, to make your own energy bars. After chilling, cutting the mixture into bars, press it onto a pan. 

Chia Seed Jams Chia seeds combined with mashed berries, some sweetener, and chia seeds make a healthy jam alternative. This chia seed jam is a guilt-free topping for toast and yogurt.

Chia Seed Salad Dressing To make a healthy salad dressing, combine chia seeds with olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and your preferred herbs. 

Chia Seed Crusted Chicken Chia seeds can be ground and combined with herbs and spices to create a crispy and nutrient-rich coating for chicken. For a guilt-free, crispy treat, coat chicken breasts or tenders with this mixture and bake

Chia Seed Muffins For an added boost of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, add chia seeds to your go-to muffin recipe. Chia seeds easily incorporate into the batter of muffins, whether they are blueberry, banana, or chocolate chip

Chia Seed Guacamole Chia seeds can provide a nutritious edge to your guacamole. They not only give this famous dip a delicious crunch, but they also offer important nutrients.

Chia Seed Iced Tea Chia seeds can be added to iced tea to make it more hydrating and refreshing. Chia seeds, brewed tea, a little sugar, and lemon slices should all be combined. Take a sip of the chilled, nutritious beverage after letting it sit in the refrigerator until the seeds swell