ISRO's objectives behind   India's first solar mission? Astrophysicist explains

BY - Srushti sharma

India's Aditya L1 mission  aims to observe the Sun's  corona and understand  its extreme heat. 

Our primary aim is to  continuously observe  the Sun for 24 hours a day , a feat not possible from  Earth's orbit,

 This uninterrupted  observation  is vital for monitoring  the Sun's activities  closely

Aditya L1 with two  major instruments, complemented by five smaller ones

One of the key instruments,  named SUIT  is an  ultraviolet imager that  captures continuous  images of the Sun

The second major instrument , VELC is a spectrograph  that focuses on the  Sun's corona—the  outermost layer of the  Sun's atmosphere

One of our primary goal  is to understand  why the Sun's corona  is astonishingly hot

Sun's corona  reaches  temperatures of up to 2 million degreesbut the surface of the sun is 5000 degrees celsius

simultaneous monitoring  is required to shed light  on the mysteries of  the Sun's behavior