ISRO Released Pics Of Solar Mission Aditya L1 Ahead Of Launch; Check It Out!

BY - srishti verma

Aditya L1, India's first solar mission is positioned on its launch pad, it is ready for liftoff from Earth

Aditya L1 to embark on journey spanning four months, covering distance of 1.5 million kilometers

Mission aims to study Sun and its impact on space weather in  real-time

Other key objectives: understanding coronal heating, coronal mass ejection, pre-flare and flare activities etc.

Aditya L1 to be positioned at Lagrange 1 point in space

Lagrange L1 point allows spacecraft to remain in one position without having to burn fuel

After launch, spacecraft will be initially placed in low earth orbit

Subsequently, it will be launched towards Lagrange point L1 by using on-board propulsion

After exiting the earth’s gravitational Sphere of Influence, its cruise phase will begin and craft will be injected into large halo orbit around L1