ISRO Prepares For Chandrayaan 3  Sleep Mode’ as  Lunar Night Nears

BY - srishti verma

Chandrayaan 3 mission is approaching the conclusion of its planned exploration period

Its time span was one lunar day equivalent to 14 Earth days

ISRO is now preparing to initiate a "sleep mode" operation for the Vikram lander and Pragyan rover

Lunar night is nearing, during which temperatures are expected to plummet below -200 degrees Celsius

The Pragyan rover and Vikram rover are still functional

ISRO: We are commencing the process of placing both of them into sleep mode

It will be done in the next one to two days as they need to tolerate the lunar night

The rover has covered a distance of approximately 100 meters from the lander

Just today, on Saturday ISRO has launched another successful mission - Aditya L1 which is heading towards Sun’s orbit