Eight Unanswered Mysteries Regarding Earthquakes

By- Naiteek Bhatt

Because of the complexity of the earth's crust and other elements that affect seismic activity, it is still difficult to predict with precision when and where earthquakes will occur, despite significant scientific achievements in this area.

Forecasting Difficulties

There is mystery in the dynamics of earthquakes since the pattern and causes of foreshocks, aftershocks, and their absence are not entirely known. 

 Prior and subsequent Earthquakes

There are earthquakes that happen slowly over weeks or months, and it's unclear why these occurrences happen slowly and how they relate to more typical earthquakes.

Sedentary Earthquakes 

Because of their severe conditions, earthquakes that originate from tremendous depths defy conventional theories and remain mysterious in their mechanism.

Earthquakes with Deep Focus

Sometimes seismic activity is lower than predicted in areas with geological characteristics that are conducive to earthquakes, and the causes of these seismic gaps are not fully understood.

Unaccounted-for Earthquake Gaps

There are many different causes of earthquakes, including human activity, which begs the question of how these causes affect seismic events.

Initiation Mechanisms

There are earthquakes that happen in places where there doesn't seem to be any tectonic action, and it's still unclear what produces these earthquakes.

Irregular Earthquake

Based on geological models, some places are more likely than others to undergo earthquakes; these areas' increased seismicity is still being studied.

Areas with Abnormally High Frequencies