Did you know these facts about jagannath yatra

BY - rivanshi rakhrai

The tradition of  jagannath yatra is 400 years old

The flag at the top of the Jagannath Temple flutters in opposite direction

Three new wooden chariots are made of neem for lord jagannath and their sister (Subadhra)

Puri King (Gajapati) dresses like a sweeper and cleans the road with golden handled broom 

Lord Jagannath's Rath is 44 feet tall . It has 16 wheels. The colors used for its chariots are red and yellow

All three chariots are kept in Gundicha Temple ( built in the memory of queen Indradyumna)

Jagannath Yatra symbolizes the journey of  Lord Krishna from Dwaraka

Jagannath Yatra is the largest chariots procession in the world