chandrayaan 3: what will Happen to Vikram & Pragyan after 14 days 

BY - rivanshi rakhrai

India became the first country to land a spacecraft, Chandrayaan-3, near the moon’s south pole on Wednesday

After a failed attempt to land on the moon in 2019, India now joins the United States, the Soviet Union and China as only the fourth country to achieve this milestone

Chandrayaan-3’s lander Vikram and rover Pragyan are solar-powered and have a mission life of one lunar day or around 14 Earth days during which sunlight

The latest sunlight cycle on the moon began on August 23

After 14 Earth days, the sun sets on the moon for another cycle

During that temperatures on lunar surface plummet to minus-180° Celsius, rendering any tech frozen and unusable

No, Chandrayaan-3 components will return to Earth. They shall remain on the moon

The Rs 600 crore Chandrayaan-3 mission was launched on July 14 onboard Launch Vehicle Mark-III (LVM-3) rocket, for a 41-day voyage to reach near the lunar south pole

The moon’s south pole region is also being explored because there could be a possibility of presence of water in permanently shadowed areas around it