Birth Of a New Star Captured By James Webb

By- Srushti sharma

A new image of a Herbig-Haro object captured by the James Webb Space Telescope shows the dramatic outflows from a young star.

 These luminous flares are created when stellar winds shoot off in opposite directions from newborn stars

These objects can be huge, up to several light-years across, and they glow brightly in the infrared wavelengths in which James Webb operates.

This image shows Herbig-Haro object HH 797, which is located close to the IC 348 star cluster,

The image was taken using Webb’s Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) instrument,

Webb scientists explain in a statement, : “Infrared imaging is a powerful way to study newborn stars and their outflows

This particular Herbig-Haro object is unusual in that scientists originally believed that it was created from a single young star, as most such objects are.

 But these detailed observations reveal that there are actually two sets of outflows, coming from a pair of stars at the center.

The bright smudge in shades of yellow and green is believed to host two young protostars.