Article 370: Pakistan on Supreme court's verdict

By- Srushti sharma

Pakistan on Monday said India's SC verdict upholding the abrogation of Article 370 has "no legal value"

Asserting that the international law does not recognise New Delhi's "unilateral and illegal actions" of August 5, 2019.

"Pakistan categorically rejects the judgement announced by the Supreme Court"  he said.

He said that J&K is an internationally-recognised dispute, which remains on the agenda of the UN Security Council for over seven decades.

"The final disposition of J&K is to be made in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions and as per aspirations of the Kashmiri people,” he said.

"Pakistan does not acknowledge the supremacy of the Indian Constitution over Jammu and Kashmir.

India cannot abdicate its international obligations on the pretext of domestic legislations and judicial verdicts,” he said.

To a question, he said that Pakistan would like to maintain peace on the LoC after this decision.

When asked about the threat of an increase in militancy in Kashmir, he said Kashmiris never accepted Indian rule. Ultimately their reaction would be like that of the people of Gaza.