All that you wish to know about asteroids on this world asteroid day

BY - srishti verma

world Asteroid Day is celebrated on 30th June Every year

it marks the date of Earth’s largest asteroid impact in recorded history -  "the Siberia Tunguska event"

the day aims to inspire, engage and educate the public about asteroid opportunities and risks

The first asteroid to be discovered was Ceres, Which now is a dwarf planet because of its huge size

William Herschel: British astronomer first coined the term “asteroid” in 1802

The word 'asteroid' is said to have roots in Greek, which means “star-like”

Asteroids are considered to be building blocks of planets but are never a planet in themselves

Near-Earth Objects:  (NEOs) are the asteroids that wander close to Earth. 

NEOs can be particularly dangerous if they hit the surface of Earth!

meteoroid is a piece of an asteroid. it falls into the Earth’s atmosphere on average once every year. 

meteoroid burns up in the atmosphere before reaching the surface of the Earth still creating a fireball effect

Asteroids are considered to be the leftovers of the early Solar System, making them around 4.6 billion years old

Asteroids have moons! Smaller bodies orbit asteroids like asteroids orbit planets. 

first such moon was Dactyl, which was found in 1993 to be orbiting a larger asteroid named Ida

Asteroids also have rings, which are nothing but circles of dust particles circling the asteroid

Asteroids' average surface temperature is -70 degrees Celsius

Asteroids are rich sources of carbon, silica, and metals

All asteroids orbit the Sun in the same direction as the planets

The largest asteroid is Vesta,  its area is about twice the area of the state of California

Vesta is the brightest asteroid in the sky. so, it can be sometimes seen from Earth with naked eyes