Mumbai police’s Economic Offences Wing (EOW) arrested builder Lalit Tekchandani in a cheating case after a nine-hour interrogation today. The police registered a case against the accused Lalit Tekchandani and others under sections 420, 406 and other sections of the IPC. The case involves 160 home buyers who collectively lost Rs 44 crores: Mumbai Police
Yogi government's vision of a grand and clean Maha Kumbh 2025, agencies, public representatives, and…
In a major initiative to guarantee safety and smooth conduct of Mahakumbh 2025, police launched…
The UPSRTC is leaving no stone unturned to ensure a smooth and efficient transportation for…
Marking significant growth, the Indian real estate sector garnered an institutional investment of 6.5 billion…
To ensure smooth travel for devotees and tourists during Mahakumbh 2025, the Traffic Police, at…
The petition, which questions Nishad's election, alleges that he concealed crucial information in his election…