In view of high ammonia levels in Yamuna River, Delhi’s Water Minister Atishi writes to Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar. The letter reads, “CM Arvind Kejriwal given the directions to Delhi Jal Board to set up an ammonia treatment plant in Wazirabad in March. The work was to be finished within 6 months. Despite constant follow-up, DJB has not even started the project.”
A New York judge, Juan Merchan, has set January 10 as the date for the…
Prime Minister Narendra Modi sent the ceremonial chadar to be offered at the Ajmer Sharif…
The Supreme Court emphasized that medical seats should not remain vacant, especially in the wake…
An FIR has been registered against Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav and seven others by…
A mob attacked the Superintendent of Police in Manipur's Kangpokpi district on Friday to protest…
J&K Chief Secretary, Atal Dulloo, chaired a high-level meeting on Friday to assess the progress…