A Delhi court has issued a notice to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Saurabh Bhardwaj in a criminal defamation case. The court has asked Bhardwaj to submit his response by January 9, 2024. Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Neha Mittal of Rouse Avenue Court adjourned the hearing to the same date.
Suraj Bhan Chauhan, a BJP worker, filed the defamation case, accusing Bhardwaj of making false allegations during a 2018 press conference. Chauhan claims Bhardwaj defamed him by falsely stating that an FIR had been registered against him.
The magistrate directed Bhardwaj to file his response to the allegations. The court also asked the complainant to submit a copy of an earlier complaint on the same matter. The earlier complaint had been dismissed by another court.
This directive serves as the last opportunity for the complainant to provide the required documents to support his claims. The court emphasized the importance of substantiating evidence in defamation cases.
The court adjourned the matter to January 9, giving both parties time to prepare their arguments. Chauhan alleges that Bhardwaj’s statements caused harm to his reputation.
The defamation case highlights the legal challenges surrounding public statements and political discourse. The court’s decision will address whether Bhardwaj’s claims were defamatory or factual.
Also Read: Delhi High Court Fines Woman ₹10,000 For Misusing Habeas Corpus Petition
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