Understanding Ongoing Crisis in Gaza

By- Priyanka Rai

Gaza Strip is a narrow region along the Mediterranean coast between Israel and Egypt

It's home to approximately 2 million people, making it densely populated

Gaza's history includes Egyptian rule and Israeli capture in 1967

Hamas emerged as the dominant political force after Israel's military withdrawal in 2005

A three-week war between Israel and Hamas in 2008-2009 marked the beginning of a cycle of violence

Gaza residents face extensive restrictions and are often described as living in an "open-air prison

Severe economic challenges, high unemployment rates, and food insecurity are prevalent in Gaza

Frequent power cuts result in an average of 17 hours without electricity daily

Recent conflict has led to the displacement of over 20,000 people, with many seeking refuge in schools

The United Nations' World Food Programme is concerned about the impact of the war on food supplies in Gaza