Loki in Norse Mythology vs. Marvel:  Why Does Everyone Love Loki?

By-Srushti sharma

The Norse god Loki has evolved greatly from Norse mythology to modern popular culture.

The majority of stories portray Loki as an end-of-the-world, plotting, clever, deceitful, quick-mouthed troublemaker, thief, and trickster.

He is the worst enemy of the gods, fighting against them rather than beside them in battle. He simply enjoys creating havoc.

Loki is always the enemy or the Other. Although he likes being a part of divine society, he also wants to destroy it because it attempts to dominate him.

A recurring theme in all Loki representations is his desire to topple civilization as a whole by bringing about the end of the planet.

The trickster serves as a metaphor for both the necessity of managing change and the unpredictability of change by producing turmoil,

Perhaps it all comes down to the adage "Everyone loves a villain." Certainly, Loki has demonstrated that he is one.

He is endearing, cunning, tenacious, hilarious, gorgeous, smart, misunderstood, strong, terrified, troubled, and vulnerable

But ultimately he only wants to do good. In the context of Marvel and mythical writings,