Alert for fish lovers! This women lost  her limbs you  can too

BY - srushti sharma

After swallowing tainted  fish and developing a  serious bacterial infection,  a woman in the United  States lost all four of her limbs

After consuming  undercooked tilapia,  San Jose, California resident  Laura Barajas, 40, had a  terrible illness that put  her life in danger

Vibrio vulnificus, a  bacterium renowned for its strength, infected Barajas.  She almost died, according  to her close friend Anna  Messina. She was using  an oxygen mask

 Her coma was medically  induced by them. Her lower  lip was black, as were her feet  and her fingers. Her kidneys  were deteriorating, and  she had complete sepsis

In an effort to save Barajas'  life, the infection compelled medical professionals to  amputate all of her limbs

She spent a month in the  hospital, and now she  must reconstruct her  life without her arms and legs

The Centres for Disease  Control and Prevention  (CDC) has issued cautions  about the potential risks associated with the  uncommon but harmful  bacteria Vibrio vulnificus

According to the CDC,  150 to 200 illnesses are  reported each year, and one  in five infected people pass  away from the sickness  within one to two days

One of the ways you can  contract this bacteria is by ingesting something contaminated with it.  The alternative method involves getting a wound  or tattoo that is exposed  to water where this bug dwells