Conspiracy Theories  That  Revolve  Around  The  9/11 Attack On  The Twin Towers

BY - srushti sharma

The FEMA and the NIST  carried out official  investigations following  the tragic incident that  occurred at the Twin on 9/11

There are many conspiracy theories that revolve around  the attack of 9/11. Some  theorists claimed that the government was involved  in the collapse

Let's take a look at the five  craziest conspiracy theories  that revolve around the  Twin Towers Attack

Holographic Planes: According  to this idea, the planes that  crashed into the World Trade Center were holographic projections manufactured by modern technology

Thermite Paint: a specific sort of thermite, a  metal-burning material,  was painted on the steel  beams of the World Trade  Centre towers to weaken  them and cause them  o collapse

Missile at the Pentagon:  According to this odd notion,  the Pentagon was not hit by American Airlines Flight 77,  but by a missile fired by  the US government or  another entity 

No Plane at the Pentagon:  It says that the entire event  was manufactured by the government, which used explosives, phony witnesses,  and media manipulation

Stand-Down Order: Another ridiculous notion that is similar  to the "inside job" theory is that  the US government purposefully permitted the attacks to occur  by giving a "stand-down order" to prevent the military 

None of these theories  have been proven yet