Will Aditya L1 not burn up  when it reaches  the sun ?

BY - Srushti sharma

 Its outer part has a special coating that will  shield it from solar heat.  Moreover, L1 has a robust  heat shield and other  equipment for protection

Aditya L1 will go to the nearby  orbit of L1 at 1.5 million km,  which is about one per cent  of the total distance between  the Earth and the Sun

ISRO’s scientist thinks that  L1 will provide valuable  data about the Sun without  any interruption

No! Aditya L1 won't succumb  to the Sun's sizzling heat  because it won't land on it.  Instead, it will be positioned in a halo orbit encircling  the Sun-Earth L1  Lagrange point,

Aditya L1 will benefit from  the protection offered by a specialised material called  as MLI (Multi-Layer Insulation)

This MLI serves as a heat  shield, effectively deflecting  the majority of the Sun's  heat away from the  spacecraft and keeping  it at a temperature that allows  it to function

The Multi-Layer Insulation  is made up of multiple layers  of aluminized mylar,  a light and reflective material

It has been further covered with a barrier to protect it  from the harsh  conditions of space

 It will also keep an eye on the conditions of space around  Earth and help to enhance  the reliability of space  weather forecasting models