Top 10 business movies that every entrepreneur must watch

BY - Malika Sahni

The Social Network provides an inside look at how one of the earliest social media platforms, Facebook, was created and developed.

The film Wall Street exposes the seedy side of Wall Street, where "Greed is Good

the Founder illustrates how a unique idea with dash of flair can ignite the world.

Jerry Maguire is a story of a young sports agent. The film focuses on the struggles of integrity in a world driven by money.

The Wolf of Wall Street is based on the life of stockbroker Jordan Belfort, who experienced a rise and fall as a result of his involvement in corruption and criminal activity.

The film 'Jobs' tells the story of Steve Jobs, one of history's greatest businessmen and the genius behind the enduring Apple brand.

The Big Short demonstrates how opportunistic businessmen operate and how greed can make someone blind to the outside world.

The Boiler Room is about a disobedient college dropout who accepts a job as a broker at an investment firm that may not be as reliable as it seems.

The Intern is about the gender politics and stereotypes that are still present in the business world

Inside Job highlights the crucial elements that led to the collapse of the American economy, it is one of the best business films for those looking to study the financial crisis of the 2000s.