weird tribal traditions around the world 

BY - rivanshi rakhrai

Lip Plates, in Africa, it is a traditional norm for women to wear a piece of large wooden discs or ‘plates’ in their lower lips

Neck rings, Kayan women of eastern Burma wear brass rings around the neck as a sign of beauty

Scarification, Kaningara people of Papua New Guinea follow this tradition of skin cutting

Cutting off fingers, Dani tribes cut the female fingers every time someone dies

Endocannibalism,Yanomami tribe who live in  Amazon forests eat the flesh of their dead relatives

Living with dead,Toraja region of Sulawesi, people live with dead family members for years

Bullet Ant Gloves, Satere-Mawe people of Brazil follow the initiation rites of wearing ant gloves in order to become ‘real’ men.

Semen drinking, Papua tribes remove boys when they turn seven from the presence of females and made to consume the semen of an older man

Stealing wives, a stealing ceremony performed by Wodabee tribe in which tribe men put on a spectacular show to impress women in a festival called Yaki